
What Should You Expect During And After A Dental Implant Procedure?

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Thinking of going the dental implants way? If yes, then you are in good company as we are about to brief you on what to expect. Being in the know about the process goes a long way in easing the tension as you approach your dental implant appointment in Fort Collins. 

What Are Dental Implants? 

Simply put, dental implants refer to synthetic roots, usually made of a small titanium post which is designed to anchor an artificial crown. Because they are surgically placed inside your jawbone, dental implants are an ideal way to replace your missing or damaged teeth because once in place, they tend to fuse with your jawbone and end up looking and functioning like a natural tooth. 

What Should I Expect? 

During your initial appointment, your dentist will first carry out an examination. In most cases, your dental implants Fort Collins Co dentist will take an X-ray or a 3D image so he/she can identify the damaged or missing teeth. The X-rays will also help your dentist identify other problems such as bone loss because so he/she can determine whether you have enough jaw bone to support implants. Depending on the results of the X-ray, the dentist might also suggest additional procedures. They will also ensure they review your medical history to prevent any complications. Later, the dentist will create impressions so he/she can correctly carry out the procedure. 

Getting The Implants  

It is important to note that a dental implant surgery takes place in several stages, hence don’t expect to come out of your dentist’s clinic with a new set of pearly whites. If your case involves damaged teeth, your dentist will first start with extraction. He/she will first numb the area using a local anesthetic and then carry out the process of tooth extraction. Depending on the tooth extracted as well as the health of your jawbone, the dentist may either carry out the procedure of implantation immediately or give you a few days to heal. 

If it’s a case of missing teeth, then the procedure can start right away. The dentist will thoroughly numb you using local or general anesthesia. If he/she is using general anesthesia, then they will have given you pre-operative instructions regarding eating and drinking among many other aspects. 

After administering anesthesia, your dental specialist will now make an incision in your gum and drill a hole into the jaw bone, to create room for the implant. The implant will be put in place, and afterward, the dentist might place a temporary restoration over the implant to fill the missing tooth and promote healing. Once you’ve healed and the jaw has fused with the implant, your dentist will now attach the crown to the implant. This process is also done under local anesthesia, so you don’t feel any pain. 

It is, however, important to note that you may have to undergo bone grafting if your jawbone isn’t thick enough to support the implants. Hence the process might take a bit longer. Nevertheless, what you need to keep in mind is that it is not painful as it is carried out under local anesthesia. Even though afterward you might expect mild swelling and discomfort, this is your body’s natural reaction to the procedure. Your dentist will prescribe antibiotics and the ideal painkillers to prevent infections and ease the swelling. The swelling, discomfort or minor bleeding should go away after a few days. If they don’t or get worse, then you should contact your dentist immediately.


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